Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hidden Message

There are a lot of messages conveyed in this iran movie, A Separation.
How do I know this movie?Firstly, my lecturer gave good comments to this movie in facebook and it  was the best foreign language movie in Oscar awards. I longed for it very long.

Still, it is not a thrilling movie which can gave an overwhelming visual effect and sensation. But, it is a very real movie and a movie that brings me to another more objective perspective to look at the truth behind the truth.From my point of view, the separation between husband and wife brings greatest harmful effect to the children with themselves relieved from what they didn't want to suffer. Good relationship between husband and wife is the best gift for their children. The children in this movie suffer the most. 

There are two families play in the movie from two classes: aristocratic class and a lower class.
For the decent class, the husband and wife can't compromise on the matter of immigration, they want a separation. The lower class, in order to help her depressed husband due to a huge debt, the wife goes out to work regardless how laboring the works are. We will do what we think. A thinking can change everything. I just think that both families are contrasting. Why do the husband and wife from the decent class dun want to make a decision not to separate no matter how worst the things go?? Ya, i dun understand.

Right or wrong? True or false? After watching the movie, I suddenly understand why sometimes right or wrong or true or false seem indistinguishable. If there is responsibility, all the society members seem need to hold a little responsibility in every social problem because we are colonial animal. Children are always the victims.

There are still a lot of profound messages that the movie wants to convey I think. However, I am not mature enough to understand all. I may watch the second time after I grow up a bit.

Ok..nice to watch. Life goes on~~~~~~~~

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thesis year (4)

Yeah, today marks the end of my course thesis presentation for all of my beloved friends. Our passionate lecturers prepare some presents for us as an encouragement and acknowledgement of our hard work through these four years. Top 24 presenters are chosen to accept the prizes and I truly enjoy the moment where the whole class screams and shouts loudly for the friends. We are happy. We enjoy the moment. We take photo together. Today is Biomedical Science batch 2008/2009 UKM 's last day being together in lecture hall.Suddenly, I understand why people always said studying time is the most precious moment in the life. We are always under protection and being guided by teachers, seniors and people around when we are still a student. After that, we are free to explore the world and is time to contribute something to the society. By the time, we are the one should take the responsibility to protect the next generation. Tradition inherited.

I thank all of my university lecturers and friends. These four years will remain in my memory forever.

Random scene taken while someone is presenting their result.
The moment of giving prize after the end of presentation.
Take pic with my supervisor Dr Dayang and my thesis co-fighter Seng Aik and Muin^^

Ok, let's move on!!!!
Thanks for everything and live in the moment^^

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thesis year (3)

Today my thesis result presentation comes to an end which means that a full-stop will be going to be put on my university life in UKM. Before my turn to present, my heart is pumping wildly and I look my friends and lecturers around in the hall. My friends' gestures show me good luck and all the best and through the eyes contacts I think they are saying Gambatte. Through my lecturers' face expression I think they not only want to test us but I can feel their joyous in seeing our growth. From an immature first-year student to a going-to-be contributors in society.  I calm myself by thinking to share my findings in my research instead of presenting it though the adrenaline still rushes through my body. I look at my class. Time flies.I dun have a very close relationship with my coursemates and there are many things happen between us be it good or bad. All these are memories. Our course's integrity is not as strong as other courses in my point of view. However, it seems still memorable as we are at least going through the ups and downs together for 4 years>>orientation,piles up of report, presentation, community service, being scolded by lecturer, complain together, organizing dinner, gossip people together, taunting somebody else together, wishing luck to each other, doing lab together and suffering thesis together. Little by little, bond is formed. When recall back the uni life, all the faces are there.

Friendship is pure in studying time as no one makes friend with u base on ur financial status and society status and even family background. People make friend by just only we are friend and we are all heading to the same goal. I appreciate that a lot.

I want to thank all the encouragement and applause that have been given to me today.
There are no individual victory and success. We are formed and helped by a lot of people along the way to success. I thanks to all with all my heart and I will always pray hard for everyone around wish them happy always and be strong when life is hard.

When my little own world is happy, whole world is bright together.

With it, I will always pray for the world.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I will look at my face once I look at the photo I had been taken. Recently, I will look at others' expression rather than mine. It is very happy to see others' smiling faces. It may be due to several reasons. I dun care how pretty I m in the photo as I always think that I am really pretty with whatever expression (severe narcissism). I cherish the moment with friends around rather than my face as the graduation days are coming nearer and nearer. I know if people around happy, it's sure that it can make my day happy. I appreciate the studying time as this period no matter how annoying our motive somehow will be purer than people who had stepped into the society. Photos can leave message but not all the photos leave the true message. I like all the photos taken with friends or friends' photos especially the photos of gathering and activity during my studying time,photos with family, they are so true yet so pure. I believe great photos will keep coming in my life!!!!Thanks for everything.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Today, I know a man whose name is Randy Pausch, a professor in US. He succumbed to pancreatic cancer in July 2008. He wrote a book entitled "The Last Lecture" and gave a talk on it in his end-stage life. I watch the 1-hour more of his last lecture which a kind soul posted it on youtube. It is inspiring. Sometimes, virtues are there and lessons are all the same. It's like we know we need to work harder, we need to be good, we need be put up with bad situation to grab the juicy fruit. However, knowing something doesn't mean we learn. Therefore, I think there are the reasons why the wall of bricks exists in lives.Those extraordinary people who come to inspired people around are the angels sent by God. I was inspired by his zest in living life. His attitude, his ways of transferring the messages and I watched at a right time. His sharing about his life is great as I suddenly realize the importance of sharing. By sharing, it can amplify the joys and it can shrunken the worries and some more it can be inspiring. I dunno hw to describe my feeling but i just feel great after watching such a wonderful video and I am pushed by it to be more enthusiastic in my days!!!Thanks for everything!!!Ya, an impressive comment I looked below the video in youtube"RIP Randy Pausch. You inspired me to go to medical school despite 3 yrs of previous rejections. You helped me believe I could do it and I did!", wow,so great!!I think this guy will be a successful doctor in the future.Best pray for those who never give up. Sometimes, we just need some push!!!!!!!!

Ok, some golden words from Professor Randy Pausch in the video~~~

Experience is what you get when you get what you didn't want. (Ya, true, nothing is waste)

A bad apology is worse than no apology. An when doing thing wrong : just "I m sorry. It's my fault. How can I make the thing right?" The third part is the part mostly forget. (Wow, I want to learn!!!)

Find the best in everybody no matter how long it takes. No one is all evil.

Brick wall doesn't exist for nothing. It just blocks the people who do not want the things very badly.

If you lead ur life in right way the karma will take care of itself, the dream will come to u.

Great video n great day!!!:)

Friday, May 18, 2012


Ya, I am searching the answer for the question in my post Hmm. Sometimes, there is no definition for something and the only answer depends on us. The best answer I answer and learn to do is to be open-heart and pure-heart >>心宽念纯。 When the heart opens, we can accept everything but not in a numb way but we want to do more to make the things better with unpredictable potential. Be pure, this can always guide us to a correct path without being blind and ignorant especially in this hodgepodge.

There is answer but doesn't mean that it is easy. No pain, no gain. No matter how hard of things, follow my heart and telling it I want to do and I will learn to make my heart wide open and purer.

Theory is there but how to make it practical??Doing things without proper ways may cause reverse effects.
Methods: be contented, be grateful,  be understanding and be tolerant  (知足感恩善解包容), Tzu chi four-spirit drinking. Same thing, not easy.

This is answer and I know it is not easy. But, I want to learn:)Thanks for everything!!!!

"The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost." -G.K. Chesterton

Friday, May 4, 2012


How do I accept this realistic world which full of many unreasonable injustice and helpless norm but to hold tight my purest intention and dream with an open heart along the pathway of my life? This is my biggest confusion before knowing this whole new world as I don't want to be assimilated.