Wednesday, December 31, 2014


My resolution in 2014:
1) Still 42 km full marathon. I won't give up this!
2) Give my very best to do well in study but not for the grade but to be a good doctor! (of course, USMLE should be done well as well).
3) Cannot stop learning guitar.
4) Be positive!

Out of the 4 main goals in 2014, I think I had reached what I set. 
2014 is a disaster year for Malaysia. More positive energy and love are needed for the country and also the world.
More than what I get from the goals, I think I am more steady and mature than the last younger me but at the same time I need more genuineness to face the real world.

My wishes for the coming new year:
1) All my family members are healthy and happy in their daily lives.
2) All friends and people around are doing well.
3) More positive and good news from the world.

My resolution in 2015:
1) Treat the patients better and continue to improve my clinical skills. Don't be demotivated no matter how bad the situation is. Improve my English by learning a new word each day.
2) Join the stroke support group once per month.
3) Learn to play 3 new songs for my guitar.
4) Continue my marathon training (at least once per week). If there is chance to join 50km, do it!
5) Go travel (at least one country).
6) Always reflect myself.
7) Be positive!

Welcome 2015!