There are a lot of messages conveyed in this iran movie, A Separation.
How do I know this movie?Firstly, my lecturer gave good comments to this movie in facebook and it was the best foreign language movie in Oscar awards. I longed for it very long.
Still, it is not a thrilling movie which can gave an overwhelming visual effect and sensation. But, it is a very real movie and a movie that brings me to another more objective perspective to look at the truth behind the truth.From my point of view, the separation between husband and wife brings greatest harmful effect to the children with themselves relieved from what they didn't want to suffer. Good relationship between husband and wife is the best gift for their children. The children in this movie suffer the most.
There are two families play in the movie from two classes: aristocratic class and a lower class.
For the decent class, the husband and wife can't compromise on the matter of immigration, they want a separation. The lower class, in order to help her depressed husband due to a huge debt, the wife goes out to work regardless how laboring the works are. We will do what we think. A thinking can change everything. I just think that both families are contrasting. Why do the husband and wife from the decent class dun want to make a decision not to separate no matter how worst the things go?? Ya, i dun understand.
Right or wrong? True or false? After watching the movie, I suddenly understand why sometimes right or wrong or true or false seem indistinguishable. If there is responsibility, all the society members seem need to hold a little responsibility in every social problem because we are colonial animal. Children are always the victims.
There are still a lot of profound messages that the movie wants to convey I think. However, I am not mature enough to understand all. I may watch the second time after I grow up a bit.
Ok..nice to watch. Life goes on~~~~~~~~