Monday, April 30, 2012


After 428, I was sad to see the violence happened.
I was sad to see unarmed people were suppressed .
I was sad to know people lost life or get severe injuries.
I was lucky to be able to go and show my supports.
I was lucky I was aware of the state of our country.
I was lucky I was born in this land.

The most I was touched to see MALAYSIAN united to fight for a better future from all the corners of the world. .
We are citizen of a country. Politic is something inevitable in lives.
We should take responsibility as a citizen. Choose right man to lead us.
Only a good government can change the whole life of a country.
Good government brings harmony to society which indirectly helping to form a PEACE WORLD if every country leaders are able to be good.

United we stand,divided we fall.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012




之前听过有人说读STPM很浪费时间,不然就是很难,再来就是没有保障(不保证拿到要的科系),太危险了。通常是家境中等,拿不到matrik,才会读的先修班。我自己不觉得STPM浪费时间即使它不能保证我能拿到要的科系。当初的自己出自于挑战的心态去报读STPM,再来是要测试自己的实力毕竟觉得SPM测不出什么。到拿不到4.0的成绩而痛哭(不是因为成绩哭,而是因为知道进不了医科而哭)。值得吗?(值得,因为中六的生活令我学习不少.)起码在不断被成绩打击的两年里,stpm教导我要继续坚持,人要谦虚一点,努力一点。酸甜苦辣尝不尽 。


没有东西是属于值不值得,浪不浪费 ,每个人对于生命的价值观都不同。尊重所有坚持自己选择的人。不是所有人都能坚持。




Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Reading the reviews of The 100 Most Influential People in the World 2012 by TIME, hopes are just surging into my mind. One of the things I realize is the Power of Love especially in women. There is no gender discrimination but most of the social workers or humanity activist are amazing women. Patch Adams once explain the way to show love to others by just doing what our mother done to us. Some of them stand up to voice out their confrontation of injustice for women, some involve in HIV prevention course. Of course, there are also kind men. In conclusion, what make those who devote themselves in helping the less fortunate amazing is their GREAT LOVE regardless of the races, countries and religion.

Hopes come when I knew that WOW there are a lot of people out there who are trying to make the world better!!Though in my surrounding culture money and steady lives are given the priority over what you really want to do in lives. The full list the 100 people covers people who are politician,chef,educator,film maker,sportmans,spotlight celebrities,professors,singer,artist>>all minds are needed in this world.

 I don't have interest in politics so I just glance through all those politician's review. I like most who involve in any activities which benefits the destitute,less fortunate,or bringing love to those in need. Besides, I like also the artist who bring profound messages on their products like the film maker of " Saving face" and "A separation". What decides the level of an art works? Its message. All those sport mans who showing unrelenting determination are also amazing.

Kernel of the message I get>>There are actually many things we can be involved in to make a life we want. Just do what we like and make it glitters!!!!!!!(Be determined and resolved)

 We are not the worst no matters how worst the situation is.

Thanks!!I am looking forward the full list in 2013.It seems like a list of reference..HAHAHAHA

 HOPES come!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Freestyle Interview

This is an unexpected interview. The interviewers do not ask the harsh questions but I really can feel their intents of wanting to know more about me. They even show their willingness to share anything. I mean ANYTHING not only in the compound of academic questions. I just speak out what in my mind while they ask about my thinking. Instead of saying it is an interview it should be called a conversation with 3 professors.

30 minutes are allocated for each professor to interview me. They are great.

The first Professor is Dr Anne who is an expert in the field of infectious disease.
The most impressive question to be asked from her is "What is the hardest challenge u think is until now?" This question touches me instantly. My answer is" to hold tight on the things we originally want to/dream of". This is the hardest,it needs determination,I think. I asked her back the same question however she tells me how her life is. She said Life is a choice as we need to vote constantly and we are having non-stop self questioning. "What's the difference between Malaysia students n US students?" She smiles. Malaysia students are more polite and quite compared to US students. US students are fun and are very opinioning. They would like to ask a lot of questions.They are going classes with the thinking of knowing all the answers.This is the culture. They like to ask since very young. I think this the one we should learn.It is good especially on a lecture.Interaction. May be we are just a little bit of conservative. However, being polite and showing respect to the teachers are also what we've told to do since very young.It's nice to remain.

2nd is Dr Nicole who is a paediatrician in intensive care. She asked me more common question like what do I think?What types of curriculum u've been doing?But, before we start our conversation she greets me by introducing herself." Before I know you better let me talk about myself to let u know more about me". Just how open they are~~

Third is DR Juliah. She wants to know more about my perspective on matters than the previous two. She tells me the importance of attitude. It can change everything. Be fair to yourself and know what you want in your life can lead you in the future, she shares~~

Three of them are very generous to share and there is no distant feeling with them. They encourage student to ask more and they would like to be friend with students rather than teachers.

Knowing what u want is most important!!! (What I learn in today's interview~~)
Things do not always go as planned. Live in the moment with good intentions:)

Saturday, April 14, 2012








