LI sharing>Hematology Lab
Xue Jie: How do u differentiate neutrophil,basophil and eaosinophil?
Me:By looking the number of nucleus lobe..
xue jie: wat else?Is it the main character we differentiate it?
Me: By looking at the granule..
Xue jie: what are the key points when we look on microscope? what types of granules in WBC? and how to differentiate each growing stage of respective WBC?
Me: Erm..look at the nucleus, cytoplasm and granule..
Xue jie: What are the things we look for?
Me: Erm..(stuttering)..I m really dunno how to differentiate all those myeloblast, myelocyte and all those young cells.
By observe the slide together using teaching microscope, xue jie points at different stages of cell and teach me how to differentiate them. I juz admire her professional knowledge by being a veteran medical lab technician. It's time for us to improve and upgrade ourselves.
To differentiate there are 4 main points: sizeand shape of cell, nucleus(shape, chromatin structure, nucleoli, dense/loose),Cytoplasm(primary or secondary granules, presence of vacuole),color and marginal shape.