Thursday, October 3, 2024





Wednesday, June 19, 2024


来到事业的另外一个阶段,原来迎接的是面对身边的战友同事一个一个往不同方向从我的生活渐渐离开,尤其在这个离职潮超级无敌高的时期。其实自己也想不出几个继续呆在这个系统的好处除了在专业上有机会继续精进,除此之外真的没有多余的好处,然后坏处我可以清楚的一一例出来。我也不清楚就算千辛万苦到达事业顶端,我会开心吗,值得吗,还是会更加模糊自己的初衷,或是会拍拍自己的胸口说还好我坚持下来。一直挣扎着是否该放弃去邻国的机会,想爆脑一个多月,也做不出选择,只因和偶像的长谈,偶像的一句莫忘初衷,不要放弃,再加上一个我千百年没看过的长文讯息分享自己如何渡过低潮期,就决定继续忍下去!然后我也不懂自己的初衷是什么了,反正应该随着年龄都会变吧!我也不懂是自己不敢不想还是真的那么不喜欢去大家都向往的国外, 毕竟之前也放弃了去美国的机会虽然真的没有后悔没去,还是其实是自己了解自己或是其实是害怕而一直呆在这个国土。





Wednesday, January 17, 2024







Sunday, April 26, 2020

What does it matter in the end?

"Being Mortal" is a book recommended by my friend who is also working in hospital.
Sometimes it seems like losing the purposes of working after a longer period.
I am not sure am I doing a right way or may be just doing for the sake of doing.
For sure right now, I am quenching for an inspiring mentor who I didnt find any in recent years.
May be is time to think how to reach it.

By the way, while reading the book all the predicament or the scenarios are encountered in my everyday lives, and it may someday happen to us.

I keep thinking what will I do or how should I do if I were in the stories.

As a records, there are some lines I would like to pen down :

-How to make live with living when we are at our weakest and most fragile and can't fend ourselves.

-If life designed to be safe but empty of anything else.

-We all seek a cause beyond ourselves. Beyond mere existence.

-You sit down, you make time. You are not determining whether they want treatment  X versus Y. You are trying to learn what's most important to them under circumstances-so that you can provide information and advice on the approach that gives them their best chance of achieving it.This process require as much listening as talking.
The words you use matter.
You shouldn't say "I am sorry things turned out this way." You should say " I wish things were different."You don't ask" what do you want when you are dying?", you ask, " If time becomes short, what is most important to you?"

-Our most cruel failure in how we treat the sick and the aged is the failure to recognize that they have priorities beyond merely being safe and living longer. 

- We think our job is to ensure health and survival, but really it is larger than that.It is to enable well-being and  well-being is about the reasons one wishes to be alive. Those reasons matter not just at the end of life, or when debility comes, but all along the way.

-Whenever serious illness or injury strikes and your body and mind breaks down, the vital questions are the same: What is your understanding of the situation and its potential outcomes? What are your fears and what are your hopes? What are the trade-offs you are willing to make and not willing to make? And what is the course of action the best serves this understanding?

-Peak-end rules, we remember the peak and the end makes the overall experience changed. That's why ending is important.

Reading a nice book is satisfying!!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Time forwards to 2019

After a busy-no-time-to-think period, I open my blog realising that it's been 1 year I never update myself about myself!

2018 is a year I became hearing aid assistant, teacher and being a houseman. A year scholarship stopped credited into my account, a year people around telling you about financial planning, finding a husband, paying income tax. Also a year meeting a lot of new faces from different backgrounds

I am much slower than my fellow peers in stepping into society.

How has it been?

I think no difference.
Just I am more calm than before.
Walk slower than before but definitely not during saving a life
Appreciate the day-dreaming time or being idle, it's such a great gift given at the end of the day.
I don't set resolutions anymore.

I traveled to Laos and Bali
I am more experienced in exploring new place
I enjoy not going to tourist place but focus on time spent with my travelling partners

My clinical skills improved, but knowledge wise still need to be brushed up
I complete ALS course today. It's fun and I am grateful that I have a friend strive hard together with me.

"What would you see yourself in the coming 5 years?"

I don't know. I just know that be the best me today and it will be great in 5 years.
Life is unpredictable and the constant is changing.

My new interest in my early thirties is Yoga. It brings me peace and I am going to start my lesson this month!!

Go! Kin Luoi!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Bye and thank you 2017

Dear 2017 Kin Luoi,

I want to say thank you as you have gone through a challenging year with laughs, being less bitter. The greatest lesson you teach the future me is dancing in the rain. Observe every little thing around, see things from 360 degree, trying to express your feeling as much as you can and being genuine to myself.

I even want to express my deepest gratitude as you find me 2 lifetime best friends who accompany me through ups and downs. Sharing and bitching about everything. Lead me to new things and new friends.

I want to say you have shown me a great example by accepting the dark and bright me.

This amazing 2017 Kin Luoi wouldn't be able to be a better her and go through her year without great supports from her loving family members (the parents, the sisters, brothers and cute little nephews and nieces) and her whole bunch of lifetime good friends whose nonsense, daily grudges, jokes and advice are the magic drugs that heal an exhausted soul. All the mentors she met shared her the life experience and great teaching and showering her with great cares.

Life does not have to be cmplicated. Only 4 things we need: something to do, someone to love, something to dream and something to hope for.

And listen to your patients for they will become your best teachers. Take care of yourselves so that you can care for others.

She finished her big exam, travel with new her and climb a high mountain.

All these experience are just too amazing by words of description.

Until the very last day, I am being grateful to who I am and who is around me.

2018, I want to let go and be more opened.

My 2018 resolution is no resolution, expect nothing.
But I did really want to climb Pinnacles hahaha

Thank you 2017 Kin Luoi


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A journey of a refugee

I came across this book [Nujeen] when I tried to kill time during my lunch break in a bookstore.

Fleeing from wars is surprisingly a common scene nowadays.

This girl escaped from her shattered home on a wheel chair with underlying cerebral palsy which is unbelievable.

She is blessed to have a dedicated sister who took care of her throughout the journey and brothers who financially supported the whole family for the flee.

The emotion, the fear and the stories from the other refugees were the highlights.

It depicts how war can destroy its people, its country due to the fights which actually just between a few dictators who spent million of lives to "win" over the battle.

It depicts how the other countries' response on the refugee crisis.
The fence walls were built higher and higher.
More and more rules to prevent the gash of refugee coming in.
How did it boost up the economy for the smugglers.
What did the refugee pay for their safety.

Nujeen is a very bright girl who is confined on a wheel chair but not her mind. She learnt all the things, history, English, science, common senses from TV. She learnt about the world from TV until she departed on her refugee journey.

Refugee is not a number but a human being.
She was jailed in a prison and that's the time she realized how important freedom is.

Freedom that I enjoy today is not free.
Nothing comes in free. It pays to get it.